39th Bomb Group (VH)
60th Squadron Ground


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The following list of 39th Bomb Group Veterans are from the 60th Squadron. The rank and names are taken from various Movement and/or Decoration/Service Award Orders of the 39th BG. In some cases the MOS was listed; The names that were listed on the original orders were matched against the aerial combat crew rosters appearing on this web site. The end result is what is believed to be 60th Squadron Ground Echelon, with the exception of those aerial crew rosters that are incomplete. With that in mind, if you find the name of a 39th Veteran listed here that was an aerial combat crew member or was assigned to the 61st or 62nd Squadron, or you can help fill in their Duty/MOS to make this list complete, please email updates@39th.org, so that corrections came be made. Also, if you have any orders that pertain to the 39th BG and you are willing share these please contact webmaster@39th.org to see if those orders are needed.

Any of the veterans' names that are displayed as links have a profile or dedication page assocated with it. If your name or your family's veteran is listed and here and there is not a profile or dedication page associated, please contact us - so we can work with you getting the information added. Please email updates@39th.org

Revised: 11 December, 2014
A [jump menu]
Cpl Warren E. Abraham
Pfc Jesse J. Accunzo - Armament
M/Sgt Thomas E. Addison - Crew Chief, P-15
Sgt Michael F. Alavania
Pfc Clyde L. Albers
Cpl Xavier F. Albores
Cpl William E. Allen - Ordnance
Pfc Mario A. Amendola
Cpl Francis S. Anderson - Airplane Elec Mech Spec
Sgt Ivan W. Anderson
1st Lt Robert M. Anderson - Mess, Supply Trans O
Sgt William L. Anderson - MOS:960
Pfc Albert D. Angulo - Munitions Wrker - Ordnance
Cpl John H. Arbaugh - Mess

B [jump menu]
Pvt MIchael L. Bach Mech: Radio attached
1st Lt Richard M. Bailey - Util Maint O SD Wing Util (P-01R2)
Sgt Charles Bakos
Sgt James A. Bardwell
Cpl Albert B. Barham
Cpl Francisco Barletta - Mechanic- P-01
Sgt Thomas A. Barnes Jr.
Cpl James C. Basham
1st Lt Ray F. Basore - Ordnance O
Cpl Louis H. Bass - Mechanic - P-10
Pfc Floyd P. Batchelor
Pfc Herbert C. Benedict
Cpl Raoul J. Benoit - Mess
Pvt Eldin G. Berger
Sgt Erwin L. Berkson
Cpl Leonard N. Bernier
Sgt John W. Berry
Sgt Andrew W. Billyk - Mechanic, P-17
S/Sgt George E. Bishop - Mechanic: Radar
Sgt Robert N. Blazina
Sgt Abram K. Blumenthal - Mech: Radar RCM
Sgt Carl H. Bock Mechanic: P-10
Sgt Walter J. Bodmer - Mechanic
S/Sgt Earl D. Boeshart
Sgt Walter C. Bogucki
Sgt George E. Boice
Sgt Gordon E. Bolinder - General Clerk
Cpl Robert T. Boston
Pfc Ira A. Bounds Jr.
Pfc Charles L. Boust
Sgt Valry V. Boyd - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Cpl Kenneth D. Brach - Mechanic CFC Maint.
Sgt Donald W. Brandt - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Sgt John E. Breen - Mess
Sgt William F. Brown - Mech: Aircraft & Engines
Cpl George H. Browskowski - Armament
Sgt Alvin W. Brunnelson - Mech: Radar
S/Sgt Jack Bryan Jr. - Aircraft Sheet Metal Wrkr
Cpl Lloyd K. Budine
Sgt Edwin E. Buller - Operations - Clerk Typist
Sgt Harold Bundy Jr.
Pfc Everett J. Burke - Armament

C [jump menu]
Sgt Edward A. Cabeen - Ordnance
Capt A. W. Calcote - Aircraft Engineering Officer
Cpl Edward Calka - Mech: Airplane/Engines
S/Sgt Kenneth E. Cameron - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Pfc Marino J. Capooasa
1st Lt Sanford B. Capron - Armament Officer
Sgt Releford B. Carpenter - Clerk-Typist
Lt Col Woodard B. Carpenter - 60th CO
Pfc Francis A. Carr - Mech: Airplane/Engines
S/Sgt Kenneth O. Carroll - Crew Chief CFC Maint.
Pfc Joseph H. Chatel
Sgt William J. Chick
Sgt Wiford E. Christensen
S/Sgt William B. Clark
S/Sgt Vernon J. Clise - Bombsight Mech
2nd Lt Jack C. Coates
1st Lt James P. Cochran - Personal Equip Offcr
S/Sgt Ray K. Cody - Armorer
Pfc Arthur H. Collamore - Special Vehicle Operator
Pfc Vincent J. Colletta
Cpl Herbert H. Combs
S/Sgt Fayette C. Congdon - Armorer
Sgt George W. Conner
Cpl Marion W. Cook - Sheet Metal Shop
Cpl Archie Copeland
Pfc Jack L. Copley
Pfc Aretus G. Corwin
Pfc Irving C. Culver
S/Sgt Richard W. Cummings
Cpl Robert A. Custer

D [jump menu]
T/Sgt John N. Danhof - Crew Chief - P-08
M/Sgt Dwight W. Danielson - Crew Chief
Sgt Terrence B. Darcangelo
S/Sgt Nicholas Data - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Sgt Carl R. Davidson
Sgt Donald Davie - Mechanic - P-08
Sgt James F. Day - Mechanic
Sgt Lester E. Day
Sgt Raymond D. Day - Mech: Airplane & Engines
Pfc Arthur D. DeAnda
Cpl Raymond M. Debrabander
Pvt Amon T. J Decker - Armament
Pfc Herman Delrosa
Sgt Dean L. DeMoss
Sgt Wilbert J. Dengler
Pfc Ralph A. DePascale
1st Lt Franz H. Dettmer - Communications Officer
Sgt John E. DeVan
Capt William S. Dickey - SQ CO - 10 Nov 45
Pfc Paul L. Dierking
Sgt Edgar G. Dill - Mechanic - P-11
Sgt Cletus B. Dockendorf Ordnance
Sgt Raymond E. Dodge - Mechanic - P-01
Cpl Jack D. Donathan - Mechanic - P-10
1st Lt Francis E. Doughty - Electronics Officer
M/Sgt Patrick J. Driscoll - Crew Chief
Sgt William N. Driscoll
Cpl John J. Dudek
S/Sgt Christie E. Dumas - Mech: Radar
Sgt James E. Dungan
Sgt John F. Dutmers
Cpl Jerome C. Dyvig

E [jump menu]
Sgt Wyatt E. Earo
Cpl Walter W. Eckhart - Mech: Airplane & Engines
S/Sgt Daniel A. Ediger - Radio Mechanic
Sgt Norman F. Eisehenberger
Sgt Earl R. Elder - Mech: Airplane & Engines
Pfc Orrin A. Ericson
Pfc Luis Esparza - Ordnance
Sgt Aldon D. Evans - Mech: Airplane & Engines
1st Lt Marvin F. Evans - Acft Maint Officer
Cpl William F. Evans
Pfc Donald I. Everson
Cpl Eugene C. Eyler

F [jump menu]
S/Sgt Francis E. Faherty - Armorer
S/Sgt Jack R. Fake
S/Sgt Melbourne O. Faldet - Mechanic
Sgt William H. Faulconer - Mess
S/Sgt Joseph H. Feldhake - Mechanic: Electrical
Cpl George E. Feltner Jr.
Sgt James P. Ferlic - Mechanic: CFC Maint.
Cpl Gerald F. Finn Jr.
Cpl Donald E. Fisher
S/Sgt Paul F. Flanagan - Ordnance
Pfc Thomas W. Flannigan - Armament
S/Sgt Raymond B. Foley
Sgt Harold R. Follmann - Mechanic - P-11
Cpl Joseph E. Franckowiak Jr. - MOS 960: CFC Maint
Cpl Joseph H. Frazier
Cpl Thomas F. Free
Sgt Louis B. Fryzlewicz - Crew Chief - P-11
Pfc Dale A. Furlong

G [jump menu]
Pfc Tony S. Galan
Cpl Robert A. Galbreath
M/Sgt Joseph F. Gall - P-17 Crew Chief
Pfc Joseph E. Gardiner - Armament
Pfc John T. Gardner
Sgt Robert A. Gaspari - Sheet Metal Shop
Pfc John Gasper
Sgt Vincent W. Gates
1st Lt Frederick W. Gerlach - Mess Officer
S/Sgt Joseph A. Giannini - Crew Chief - P-07
Sgt Lawrence M. Gibbons
Cpl Arthur D. Gibson - Clerk Typist
Cpl Eugene W. Gillespie
S/Sgt Harold R. Gilley
Cpl Julian Gillis - Communications
Cpl Peter A. Giovannoni
Cpl Charles H. Glickman
T/Sgt Julius L. Golf - Mechanic: Radio
Pfc John Goodman
T/Sgt Edwin S. Goodnow Jr.
1st Lt Douglas S. Goodwin - Armament
Cpl Paul A. Godwin - Airplane Pwr Plt Mech - P-04
Sgt Louis "Luigi" Gordon - Armament
Pfc David N. Goren - Truck Driver, Light
Pfc David M. Gottlieb - Mechanic - P-08
M/Sgt Patrick J. Granahan - Communications
Cpl Leo F. Grastorf - Munitions Worker Ordnance
Sgt Ralph D. Grey - Mechanic: radar
Sgt William B. Griffin Jr.
M/Sgt Clifton W. Groelz - Crew Chief
Cpl Richard E. Gross
Sgt John J. Guidice - Armament
Sgt Emile S. Guignon III
Cpl Ralph B. Gullett
Sgt Thomas M. Gutierrez

H [jump menu]
Sgt Donald W. Hall - Decontaminating Equip Op
Capt George E. Hall - Flight Surgeon
Cpl Joseph G. Handler
Sgt Eino B. Hannula
Pfc Paul V. Harris - Ordnance
Pfc Edmund T. Hartnett - Armament
S/Sgt Harold H. Hartnett - Mess
Cpl Francis X. Hauer - Ordnance
Sgt Earl E. Heinze - Mech: Airplane & Engines
M/Sgt Fletcher Helton - Crew Chief
Sgt Haskel D. Henderson
"Shorty" Higgins - Mechanic - P-07
Donald Hill - Armament
Cpl Elmer M. Hill
Sgt James H. Hill
Major Claude J. Hilton - Grp CO 28/04/44
Sgt Grady P. Hinton Bombsight Mechanic
Pfc Henry W. Hinton
Cpl John T. Hoff Jr.
Cpl Harold C. Hoffman - Armament
2nd Lt C.G. Hollowwa - Electronics O - 11/30/44
Pfc Floyd T. Holsomback Munitions Wrker- Ordnance
S/Sgt Fred P. Holzinger
Cpl Kenneth R. Hougland
Pfc Clyde F. Houle
Sgt Roger L. Houle
Pfc Wesley E. Householder
M/Sgt Albert A. Howard
Pfc Glenn M. Howard
Major Rodger L. Howard - Operations
Pfc William P. Howard
Pfc Matt Hudson
S/Sgt Alvin C. Hughes - Crew Chief
Sgt Daniel E. Hughes
S/Sgt Victor S. Hunter Jr.
Sgt Donald C. Hutchinson - CFC Maint Mech

I [jump menu]
Sgt Mack H. Idom
T/Sgt Elmer H. Ignat
T/Sgt John W. Imre - Mech: Gunner- FE
Sgt Alver E. Inge - Ordnance

J [jump menu]
Sgt Henry P. Januskiewicz
M/Sgt Cleo S. Jeffery
S/Sgt Delvin F. Jenck - Mechanic: Engines - P-11
Cpl Donald H. Jerome - Mechanic - P-04
Cpl Billy J. Johnson
M/Sgt William M. Johnson - Crew Chief - Armament
Sgt Henry E. Jones - Intell NCO
Sgt Ralph H. Jones
Cpl Paris Jons
Sgt Andy F. Jordan
Pfc William Jordan

K [jump menu]
T/Sgt Arlington R. Kaeding - Crew Chief P-09
Cpl Melvin F. Kapelanczyk - Ordnance
Sgt Edward J. Kardas - Clerk-typist
Sgt John W. Karwowski
Pfc Earl S. Kaye - Ordnance
Sgt Adrian E. Keaton
1st Lt George Kelcec - Acft Maint Officer
M/Sgt Alvis J. Kelly - Crew Chief
Sgt Robert E. Kendall - Mech: Radar
Sgt Olan A. Kendrick
S/Sgt Vance R. Kesler - Mech: Airplane & Engines
Sgt James M. Kiggins - Mech: Airplane & Engines
1st Lt Robert B. King
Pfc Kenneth W. Kingkiner - Muntions Wrkr
Cpl Rudolph J. Kirincich
Pfc Edward F. Klokkenga
Cpl James C. Knight
Pfc Roy T. Knight
Sgt George J. Knoll - Central Office Repairman
1st Lt Lawrence M. Knowlton - Asst Intel O - 11/30/44
1st Lt John B. Koelle - Sqd Radar - ECM
S/Sgt Robert E. Koller - Mechanic P-08
S/Sgt Edward F. Kornblith - Mech: Bombsight
Sgt Robert R. Kosakoski - Clerk typist
Sgt Edward Kosmowski - Asst. Crew Chief-P-08
Cpl Warren C. A. Kothmann
T/Sgt George Krieger - Crew Chief - P-04
T/Sgt Donald P. Kuhn

L [jump menu]
S/Sgt Frank R. Lacy Jr.
S/Sgt Edward F Lally - Crew Chief P-10
S/Sgt Albert O. Lamson - Mech: Airplane & Engines
Pfc Homer W. Langley
Cpl George W. Langston
Sgt Anthony J. Lanzillo - Ordnance
Pvt Rudolph Lascurain
S/Sgt William B. Latta
Cpl William D. Lavallo
S/Sgt Daniel Lawson - Airplane Pwr Plant Mech P-07
S/Sgt George C. Le Baron
M/Sgt Leo Lewis - Crew Chief
Capt John H. Lindenmeyer - Sqd Nav
Pfc Thomas M. Livolsi - Sheet Metal Shop
Sgt James E. Lordeman Jr. - Operations Clerk
Cpl Jess Loya - Automotive Mechanic
Pfc Luell L. Lucas - Munitions Wrkr

M [jump menu]
Sgt Raymond F. Maas
Pfc Harold E. Mackie
Pfc Homer Malone
Sgt Anthony J. Mangiaracina - Mechanic P-10
Sgt Benjamin H. Marks
Cpl Thomas Marshall
T/Sgt Francis F. Martiny - Medical Tech (attch)
Cpl Elester C. Mathias
Pfc Abe Matza - Sheet Metal Shop
Cpl William J. McCabe
Sgt William C. McCord
Sgt Cecil R. McCormick
Cpl Robert L. McCoy - Sheet Metal Shop
S/Sgt James B. McGathy - Admin NCO Ops
Pfc Raymond J. McGovern - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Sgt Donald E. McKinney
Sgt Louis R. McLeod
Cpl Dan C. McMillan
S/Sgt Merrill S. Meeker - Mechanic: Radio
Sgt Earl W. Melton
Sgt Richard A. Mendonca - Sheet Metal Shop
T/Sgt William C. Merchant
Cpl Nicholas Micucci - Armament
Cpl Otto Mikosek
Pfc Joseph U. Militana
Pfc James F. Miller
Sgt Stanley C. Miron - Mech: Airplane/Engines P-14
Cpl Edward J. Mitchell
S/Sgt John N. Mitsak - Mechanic: Radio
Sgt Eugene M. Moffatt Jr.
2nd Lt Robert H. Mohrman
Sgt Jack W. Monier
Cpl Louis Montuori - Camera Tech
Sgt Ellis W. Moore - Airplane Pwr Plant Mech P-11
Pvt James E. Moore - Munitions Wrkr
Cpl Joseph Moran - Sheet Metal Shop
Cpl Ernest E. Morefield
S/Sgt William Morgan
Cpl Yale R. Morgan - Munitions Worker
Pfc John R. Morris
Pfc Earl C. Morrison
T/Sgt Cecil Muniain - Ordnance

N [jump menu]
Cpl Warren W. Neff - Mess Cook
M/Sgt Alfred N. Newman - Crew Chief P-03
Pfc Alan R. Nuttall

O [jump menu]
S/Sgt Victor N. Olsen - Mechanic: Prop
Sgt William H Olson - Mechanic: Radar
S/Sgt Charles E. Orf - Crew Chief P-01
Pvt William F. O'Rourke - Sheet Metal Shop
Sgt Beryl R. Oswald
Sgt Carl L. Owens

P [jump menu]
Cpl Arthur L. Paape - Sheet Metal Shop
M/Sgt Don C. Page III
Cpl Rudolph G. Palen - Armament
Sgt Francis " J. Palkovic - Armament
Pfc Eugene J. Palombo - Sheet Metal Shop
Cpl Alex F. Panteleff - Mechanic P-01
Cpl Burl J. Parker
Sgt Joseph A. Parker - Mechanic P-04
Cpl Mack H. Parker
S/Sgt Charles E. Parthesius - Airplane Elec Mech Spec
(Note: Parthesius also painted some of the Nose Art on 60th Squadron Planes)
Pvt Chester C. Pasinski
Cpl Ralph F. Patrone
Sgt James L. Patten
Pfc John P. Pellulo - Ordnance
Cpl Frank P. Peterson - Ordnance
Pfc George F. Peterson
Pfc James L. Peterson
Cpl Rudolph A. Piccinino
M/Sgt Joseph J. Pisar - Crew Chief P-02
Cpl Robert F. Plymate
Cpl Joseph A. Pollard - Armament
S/Sgt Joe H. Powell - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Pfc Ray W. Presock - Mess

R [jump menu]
S/Sgt Russell R. Redmond - Airplane Armorer
Cpl Harvey J. L Reid
Capt James C. Render - Communications Officer
Pfc Repucci - Mechanic - P-10
Pfc Joseph T. Riboli
Pfc Claude N. Rice - Munitions Wrkr
1st Lt James P. Rich - Intelligence Officer
Sgt Edward A. Richardson - Communications
Sgt William F. Robinson Jr.
Cpl Hobart Rodden
2nd Lt Robert O. Roper
Sgt Donald M. Rose - Crew Chief
Sgt Andrew W. Ross - Ordnance
Sgt Charles F. Rotenburger - Mess
Cpl Rene R. Roulier
S/Sgt Daniel Rubin
Pfc Andrew P. Rudometkin
Pfc Anthony Ruggeri

S [jump menu]
Cpl Frank Sadowski
Cpl Joseph J. Sahadi
Sgt Walter J. Sajdak - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Cpl Ernest T. Salo - Mechanic P-14
Cpl Lotis E. Sanford - Ordnance
Pfc Nyle R. Sarff
Cpl Comer D. Sarrett
Cpl Joe J. Sauliavicus
Cpl Grady Savage
Sgt Edward R. Schaefer - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Sgt William A. Schmidt
Cpl Sheldon Schoen - Mechanic CFC Maint
Pfc John C. Scibelli
Cpl Carmine J. Sclafani
Sgt Lloyd L. Scofield
M/Sgt Fred C. Secrest - Crew Chief
Sgt Samuel D. Sekel
Cpl Van S. Sellers - Mechanic CFC Maint
Cpl Kenneth J. Setzer
Cpl Raymond M. Shapiro - Mechanic CFC Maint
S/Sgt Joseph E. Sharp - Mechanic: Electric
Pfc Raymond Sharp
S/Sgt Joseph L. Shaughnessy
Sgt Homer S. Shofner - Cook
Cpl Richard H. Shorter
Cpl Louis Siciliano - Ordnance
S/Sgt Roy E. Skelton - Liaison Agent
S/Sgt Frank Skiba - Mech: Airplane/Engines
2nd Lt Lewis B. Sloan
Pfc Virgil A. Slone
S/Sgt Benjamin Smith - Airplane & Engine Mech
Cpl Elwood P. Smith
Pfc Oscar E. Smith - Munitions Wrkr - Ordnance
Sgt Wayman E. Smith - Mech: Airplane/Engine
Sgt Willard K. Smith
Pfc Leonard T. Smolenski - Ordnance
Cpl William C. Souder
S/Sgt John M. Spalla
Cpl Reginald V. Stegger
Sgt William H. Stegman
Pfc Archibald G. Stewart
Cpl Eddie W. Stewart
Sgt Jack K. Stewart - Armament
Cpl Herbert J. Stiebel
Sgt Norman L. Stokes - Airplane Pwr Plant Mech
S/Sgt Walter E. Strassler - Admin NCO
Cpl John H. Strein
Cpl Kenneth R. Strobel - Communications
Cpl Walter C. Suwak
Cpl Leo T. Swed

T [jump menu]
Pfc Robert S. Talkington
Pfc Adolph S. Tarentino - Communications
S/Sgt William T. Taylor Jr. - Mech: Engines
Sgt Frank T. Temeyer - Mess
Sgt David H. Thomas - Mech: Engines
S/Sgt George M. Thomas
Pvt John H. Thompson
Cpl Lewis E. Thompson - Ordnance
Pfc Robert H Tippett
M/Sgt Walter L. Tomper - Crew Chief P-14

U [jump menu]
Sgt Frederick J. Ulmer - Ordnance
Cpl Joseph R. Urban - Equip Mechanic
Pvt Steven F. Urban

V [jump menu]
Cpl Anthony J. Vaccarelli
Pfc James E. Van Auken - Airplane Pwr Plt Mech
Cpl Albert H. Van Voorhis - Ordnance
Cpl LeRoy Vargas
Pfc Barton G. Vereller - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Sgt Robert H. Vernetti
Sgt Joseph J. Vincher - Armament
1st Lt Richard D. Volp - Gunnery Instructor

W [jump menu]
S/Sgt Robert M. Waldron
Sgt Dewey W. Walker - Armament
Sgt John Walko
Pfc John W. Walton
Pfc Jack J. Ward
Sgt Victor L. Warfe - Ordnance
Sgt Walter H. Wascom
Sgt Wesley F. Watson
Cpl Fay Watts - Sheet Metal Shop
1st Lt Eugene Wermer - Armament Officer
Pfc Edward F. Welch Jr. - Armament
Sgt George R. Wesloski - Armament
Cpl Donald E. Wheeler - Ordnance
Pfc Charie W. Whipple
Sgt Murl C. Whitney
Capt Joseph L. Whiton - Sqd Bomb Offcr
Pfc Dennis B. Wilkins - Mechanic P-04
Capt Everette M. Williams - Intel Officer
Pfc Marvin N. Williams
Cpl Sam P. Williams
Cpl Vaughn L. Williams
Sgt George J. Wineman
1st Lt Roy Witte - Arcft Engineering Officer
Cpl Robert J. Wolfenden
Cpl Roy Workman - Mess
Sgt James A. Wright - Armament
Cpl John P. Wright

Y [jump menu]
Cpl Berge Yenovikien
M/Sgt Faye York
Sgt Walter York - 1st Sgt
Cpl Coy E. Young

Z [jump menu]
Cpl Paul A. Zahn
Cpl Henry S. Zuczek - Mech: Airplane/Engines


Ground Echelon Menu
61st Squadron Ground Echelon
62nd Squadron Ground Echelon

25 March 2006 - Added names from "unmatched" personnel list per Roster of Officers dated 30 Nov 1944
15 June 2004
- Updated: ID of P-04 Grnd Crew; Corrected P.A Godwin
17 March 2004
- Added: MOS per SO 210 SHAAF 25 Sept 1944
17 February 2004
- Added: MOS per Roster of Officers 10 Nov 1945
09 August 2003
- Added/Updated MOS per SO 182 dtd 1 July 1944
06 August 2003
- Updated MOS per orders received
07 July 2003
- Updated MOS w/info from E. Palombo
09 December 2002
- Updated MOS from list found in microfilm archives
31 October 2002 - removed 11 names found to be Tapp Crew

Source: Various Military Orders; "History of the 39th Bomb Group"
Patriotic Web Site Award by VAHome Loans.net
This page was created on 12 July 2001/Revised 11 December, 2014
Copyright ©  2000 - 2025 - 39th.org|39thbombgroup.org