39th Bomb Group (VH)
61st Squadron Ground

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The following list of 39th Bomb Group Veterans are from the 61st Squadron. The Rank and Names and are taken from various Movement and/or Decoration/Service Award Orders and rosters. In some cases the MOS was listed; The names that were listed on the original orders were matched against the aerial combat crew rosters appearing on this web site. The end result is what is believed to be 61st Squadron Ground Echelon, with the exception of those aerial crew rosters that are incomplete. With that in mind, if you find the name of a 39th Veteran listed here that was an aerial combat crew member or was assigned to the 60th or 62nd Squadron, or if you can help fill in their Duty/MOS to make this list complete, please email updates@39th.org, so that corrections came be made. Also, if you have any orders that pertain to the 39th BG and you are willing share these please contact webmaster@39th.org to see if those orders are needed.

Any of the veterans' names that are displayed as links have a profile or dedication page assocated with it. If your name or your family's veteran is listed and here and there is not a profile or dedication page associated, please contact us - so we can work with you getting the information added. Please email updates@39th.org


List Updated: 29 January, 2019

A [jump menu]
1st Lt Elmer H. Adams - Persnl Eq Offcr
Cpl Steve Adams
Sgt George K. Aharonian - Bombsight Mechanic
S/Sgt Thomas W. Aldrich - CFC Maintenace
Sgt Emil Alecusan
Pfc Edward W. Alford
M/Sgt Cecil F. Allain - Crew Chief - P-33
Sgt Herbert R. Allen
Cpl Gail E. Anderson
T/Sgt Karl N. Anderson
Pfc Edward W. Andrusky
Cpl James E. Armstrong

B[jump menu]
Cpl Joseph E. Bagwell - Airplane and Engine Mech
Sgt Earl E. Baldwin - CFC Maintenance
Cpl Charles A. Bannon, Jr.
Cpl Charles E. Barber
Pfc Raymond H. Barnhart - Duty Soldier III/laborer
Cpl Arnold Bartels - Radio Mech
Capt Dick D. Bednar - Sqd. Gunnery Offcr
Sgt Gilbert Beegle - Airplane and Engine Mech P30
Sgt John W. Beekman
Pfc Richard E. Behrens - Airplane Armorer
Cpl John E. Benning
Cpl Wilson L. Benton - Cook
Sgt Homer G. Bergeman - Mech: Radar Bomb.
Sgt Harry L. Bernbaum Jr.
M/Sgt Cecil G. Beverly - Crew Chief - P-27
Sgt Lowell E. Birch - Mech: CFC Maint
Cpl Arthur D. Birdsell
Pfc James R. Bishop - Special Vehicle Operator
S/Sgt Kenneth V. Blakeman
Pfc Sonnie H. Bland - Telephone Switchboard Op
T/Sgt Bruno B. Blaz - Tech Supply
Cpl Julius E. Bone - Communications
Cpl Alton J. Borel
Pfc Albert H. Bowler Jr.
S/Sgt Earl J. Bracke - Airplane Elec Mech Specialist
S/Sgt Michael W. Brasic - Intell NCO
Sgt Marion Breen - Automotive Mech
Sgt Mariano M. Brionas
Sgt Ted E. Brown
Sgt Norman C. Brug - Mechanic - P-31R
Pfc Richard O. Brumbaugh
S/Sgt Henry C. Buchanan
Sgt Darrell L. Burdette - Airplane Armorer
Sgt Edward L. Burroughs
Pfc Leonard Byrd Jr.
Cpl Charles T. Byrne

C [jump menu]
Sgt Nicholas J. Caldarone
Cpl James A. Calloway - Communications
Sgt Ned C. Carlson
Pfc DeSales H. Carney - Airplane Armorer
S/Sgt Jeffery A. Caron - Crew Chief - P-31R
Sgt Rene A. Caron
Sgt Clifford L. Carver
1st Lt Ming Chinn - Grp Tech Supply Officer
Sgt Alfred A. Christensen
Sgt Peter J Ciucci Airplane Elec Mech Spec - P-31R
Cpl Charles W. Clark
Pfc Franklin L. Clark - Airplane Armorer
Cpl Keith H. Clark
Pfc Quinton Clark
Pvt Robert R. Clark
Pfc George Cleckley Jr.
M/Sgt Joseph M. Clementi - Crew Chief
Pfc James A.B Clemons
S/Sgt Russell L. Commons
Sgt Emil M. Condel
Pfc James A. Cook
Cpl John S. Cordick - Cook
Pfc William R. Cosmen
Sgt Edward R. Couser - Airplane Elec Mechanic Specialist
T/Sgt Reuben D. Cox - Inspector
S/Sgt William B. Cragen
Pfc Riley H. Creel - Truck Driver, Light
Lt Col William J. Crumm - Squadron CO
Pfc Joseph P. Cummings - Airplane/Engine Mech
S/Sgt Louis Cyr - P-47, Mechanic

D [jump menu]
Pfc Lesile B. Dalton - Mechanic - P-26R
Pfc John E. Daly
Cpl Daniel D'Angelo
S/Sgt Robert W. David
Pfc Alan B. Davis
Sgt Andrew H. Davis
Sgt Cecil Davis
M/Sgt Connie E. Davis Crew Chief - P-30
M/Sgt Harry P. Davis
Pfc William W. De Groat
Sgt Harold E. DeLong
S/Sgt Joseph M. DeMarco - Munitions Worker
T/Sgt Victor H. Derding
S/Sgt Homer G. Dergman
S/Sgt Alfons D'Hoostelaere
Cpl Joseph A. DiNapoli
Sgt Howard V. Dickey - Camera Tech
Pfc Richard C. Diemert
Pfc Michael M. Domiano
Pfc Finn A. Donaldson
S/Sgt Fred J. Doocy - Mech: Bomb Sight
Pfc Gail W. Dorn
S/Sgt John E. Downey Airplane Elec Mech Spec - P-32
T/Sgt Will E. Driskill - Crew Chief
S/Sgt Hoyt D. Duckett
Pfc Vernon T. Duke - Propeller Mech MOS 687
Pfc Joseph DuPont - Aircraft Sheet Metal Worker

E [jump menu]
Capt Keith H. Eakin - Electronics Officer
Cpl Harry Easters Mech: Airplane & Engines
Pfc Arthur C. Edgar
Cpl Oland R. Efird
Cpl John R. Ellis - CFC Maint
Cpl George D. Erickson
S/Sgt Walter W. Estes
Cpl Owen W. Evans

F [jump menu]
Pfc Eugene E. Fatice
Cpl Irving Felder
Sgt Harold G. Feltner - Mechanic
Sgt Raymond E. Ferguson - Baker
S/Sgt Don J. Fesler
S/Sgt Marselle D. Fesperman - CFC Maint
T/Sgt James F. Finlay - Crew Chief- P-29
Sgt David L. Finn
Pfc Raymond Flaven
Cpl Irving Folder
Sgt George W. Foltz
Sgt John R. Fowler
Cpl George A. Fox
Cpl Alfred J. Francesconi
2nd Lt Wilbert G. Freer - Asst Maint Officer - 11/30/44
Cpl Frank J. Friedmansky - Mechanic P-26R
Sgt Robert W. Fross Mech: Radar
Sgt Harry L. Furlong - Special Vehicle Op

G [jump menu]
2nd Lt Walter T. Gabriel - Personnel Equip O
Cpl Gerald P. Galfo
Cpl Martin Garcia
Pfc Delmar D. Gardner
Sgt Charles K. Garfiel
Pfc Clifford A. Gasaway - Truck Driver, Light
Pfc Arthur J. Gassner
S/Sgt Estel A. Gates - Propeller Mech MOS 687
Cpl Abraham George
Sgt Lucius R. George Jr.
Cpl William E. George - Airplane Pwr Plt Mech
Cpl Ralph W. Gibson - Airplane Armorer
Cpl Edward W. Giering Jr.
Pfc Gordon Gilbert
Sgt William H. Gilham
M/Sgt Edward J. Glantz - Communications Chief
Cpl Marion E. Glasscock
Capt Joe Glickman - Sq CO - 10 Nov 1945
S/Sgt Benjamin Godfrey Mech: Radio - atthd
Sgt Gerald J. Goff - Communications
Cpl Earl Goldberg
Sgt Byril F. Goodwin - Airplane/Engine Mech
Pfc Frank P. Goral
Pfc Karekin Gozigan - transferred
Sgt Harold R. Graham - Clerk, General
Sgt Melvin H. Graham
M/Sgt Thurman Gray - Airplane Armorer
Cpl Frank Greco - Communications
Pvt Max Greenberg
Cpl Joel J. Griffin Jr.
Cpl Edward Grill - Airplane Armorer
Capt William R. Groman - Armament Offcr
Cpl Gene H. Gross - Communications
Cpl Robert E. Gutherie - Airplane Armorer

H [jump menu]
Cpl Russell F. Hageman
S/Sgt Herman T. Hagen
- Mechanic P-26R
Sgt Raymond H. Hailey
T/Sgt William D. Hale
Cpl Robert E. Haley
Sgt I. V. Halford
Sgt Edmund L. Hall Jr.
Pfc Herman C. Hall
Cpl Robert M. Hall
Sgt Sanford E. Hall
Sgt Edward R. Hanlon
Sgt Clifford L. Hanna
Sgt Joseph Hanna - Mechanic - P-31R
Sgt Roy Hanning - Mechanic - P-26R
Sgt Joseph F. Harbot
Sgt Thomas B. Hardwick Jr.
1st Lt William H. Harris - Mess O
2nd Lt Joseph N. Hart
Pfc James C. Hartman
Pfc Julian C. Haupt
Cpl Donald L. Hayes
M/Sgt David Heckart - Crew Chief, P-21
1st Lt William Heffel - Asst Armament O
S/Sgt William H. Heissinger Mech: Radio
S/Sgt Robert L. Hickey, Jr. - Airplane Armorer
Sgt Leo B. Hindall
Pfc Gabriel G. Hinojosa
Sgt Paul E. Hoagland
Pfc Abraham S. Hoffman
Sgt Philip F. Hoffman
Pfc Edward C. Hohman
Cpl Garvin E. Holland
Cpl Emil P. Holliday
Cpl Victor F. Hollister - CFC Maint
Cpl Edward H. Hood
Pvt James F. Horvat
T/Sgt Walter Houston - Crew Chief
Major James S. Howard - Operations
Pfc Everette F. Howerton
Cpl Joseph P. Huff - Airplane/Engine Mech
Cpl James O. Huffman
1st Lt William H. Hufstader - Arcft Engineering Offcr
Cpl Joe T. Hulton
Sgt John C. Hunt

I [jump menu]
M/Sgt Kenneth W. Iller
Cpl Gerald I. Inglett
Cpl Robert C. Irwin
Pvt Robert L. Iverson
M/Sgt Lonnie Jay Ivey - Flight Chief
Pfc Peter Iwaniw - Munitions Wrkr

J [jump menu]
T/Sgt John M. Jack - Crew Chief P-28
Sgt Jerome Jacobs Mechanic - P-31R
Pfc Jerome H. Jacobs
Cpl Selmer M. Jacobson
Sgt Joseph A. Jamerson - Mech Airplane/Engines
Major James D. Jamison - Ops & Staff Training O - 11/30/44
S/Sgt Joseph J. Janosik
Pfc Ronald P. Jemmott - Medical Aidman (657)
Sgt Arthur R. Johnson
Pfc Leo Johnson
S/Sgt Charles L. Joiner - Instrument Mech Spec
T/Sgt Clyde A. Jones
Cpl Robert C. Jones

K [jump menu]
Pvt Jack Kabak
Pfc Earl R. Kalar - Airplane Armorer
Kartright - Airplane Armorer - Pflugh photo
Pfc Walter Kasinowic
Pfc Donald M. Keena - Clerk
Sgt Clifford R. Keisker - Mech: Bombsight
Cpl James F. Kelly
Sgt Carl B. Kendrick
S/Sgt Roy P. Kennedy - Mech: CFC Maint
Sgt John T. Kerr
Sgt Charles E. Kessler - Mech: Gunner - FE
Sgt Ernest W. Ketchum
S/Sgt Robert H. Kiff - Airplane/Engine Mech
1st Lt Charles W. Kimmel - Aviation Ordn O - 11/30/44
Cpl Arnold W. Kinslow - P-25 Grnd crw per J. Fair 
Sgt Robert M. Kirk - Clerk-Typist
Sgt Noah B. Kissenger
Sgt Bernard G. Klein
Sgt Rex R. Knaak
S/Sgt Harold G. Knapp - Admin NCO
Cpl James F. Knue
T/Sgt John T. Koetz
S/Sgt Samuel M. Korb
S/Sgt Robert L. Kortright - Airplane Armorer
Pfc Walter J. Kozielec - Airplane Armorer
Cpl George R. Krantz
Pfc Albert C. Krey - Truck Driver, Light
Sgt Edward T. Kuchinski - Clerk, General
Sgt Frank W. Kulessa
Cpl Edwin J. Kunkel
Sgt William W. Kylberg - Mech: CFC Maint

L [jump menu]
Cpl Eugene E. Lamy, Jr.
Sgt Roy J. Landsdowne
Cpl Israel Lashinski
Sgt Stephen T. Lesko - Radio Mechanic
Sgt Cornelius Lieuwen - Propeller Mech MOS 687
Pfc David R. Lievanos
Cpl Orval J. Lignitz
Pfc William E. Link
Cpl James H. Little
Pfc James C. Lloyd - Airplane Armorer
Pfc Clyde E. Loftin
Sgt Charles L. Looney
Cpl Charles J. Lopresti
Sgt Russell T. Lortz
S/Sgt Russell P. Lorway - Mech
Sgt Hubert J. Louque - Clerk Typist
1st Lt Arthur G. Lovering - transferred
Cpl Timothy W. Lucey
S/Sgt Henry J. Luers - Airplane and Engine Mech
Pfc Calvin T. Lunn
Cpl James M. Lynch
Cpl William J. Lyon

M [jump menu]
Pvt Henry Mack - Laborer
Pfc Jack B. Mahoney
Sgt Hugh F. Makowski - Mech: Instrument Spec
Sgt Domenick F. Marchese
S/Sgt Edward E. Mark - Airplane Armorer
Sgt Richard J. Markiewicz
Cpl Albert J. Mathias - Airplane Armorer
Cpl Myron N. Mattison
Pfc Arnold H. Mattson - Duty Soldier III/Laborer
Cpl Martin A. Matye
Cpl Elmer W. McConnell
S/Sgt Thomas P. McDonald
Pfc Calvin R. McIntosh - Munitions Wrkr
M/Sgt Robert W. McKenzie -  P-34 Crew Chief
Cpl Vernon B. Mechenich
Sgt Joseph Mello
Cpl Louis Melzer - CFC Maint
Cpl Gordon E. Mercer
Sgt Anthony P. Mesnica
S/Sgt Robert C. Miller
Cpl Robert L. Miller
Sgt Francis J. Milling - Airplane Armorer
Sgt Kenneth R. Mills
Cpl Oscar J. Mills
Sgt Smoky Moak - 1st Sgt
T/Sgt Charles T. Molluzzo
Cpl Robert A. Monaghan
Cpl John R. Montgomery - Airplane Armorer
Cpl Edward J. Montour - Radio Op/Mech
Pfc Lewis A. Moore
Cpl John M. Morabito
T/Sgt Ralph E. Morton - CFC Maint
Cpl Edward J. Mose, Jr.
S/Sgt Elmar Motte
Sgt Joseph D. Mulheron
Pfc Billy H. Mulliean
Sgt Ardis J. Murphree Mech: Radio
Pfc Robert S. Murphy
S/Sgt Patrick J. Murray
Pfc Paul W. Myers
Pfc Washington Myers

N [jump menu]
Sgt Du E. Neel - Operations
Sgt Allen D. Neidhardt - Mechanic - P-31R
Cpl Benedict G. Nemeth
Sgt Robert G. Neumann - Propeller Mech MOS 687
1st Lt Charles W. Newell - Asst Intel Officer
T/Sgt Jack D. Newville
Cpl James M. Nichols
Sgt Elmer T. Nickels
Pfc Emery E. Nickerson
S/Sgt George V. Nordby P-25 Grnd crw per J. Fair
Cpl Andrew J. Norejko - Mech: Airplane/Engines P-34
1st Lt Milton S. Nusbaum - Asst Acft Maint O

O [jump menu]
Cpl Michael P. O'Neill
Sgt Marvin L. Osborn
Sgt George J. Oseko
S/Sgt Leonard Osmulski - Mechanic P-33
Pfc Vivian Otero
Sgt William J. Otten
Cpl Darrell L. Oviatt
Sgt Boyd N. Owen- Personal Equipment Tech

P [jump menu]
Pfc Onofre Pacheco
Pfc Vincent E. Paige
S/Sgt Leonard L. Palmer - Propeller Mech MOS 687
Pfc William C. Palmer - Propeller Mech MOS 687
Sgt John F. Paramenter
M/Sgt Vincent E. Parke - Crew Chief
S/Sgt Glen W. Parker - Airplane Pwr Plt Mech
Cpl Claude D. Paul - Airplane Armorer
Cpl Walter W. Petzold - Muntions Worker
Sgt Theodore J. Pflugh - CFC Maint
S/Sgt McAllen Philpott
Sgt Joseph S. Piechowiak - Clerk, General
S/Sgt Emil A. Polasek
T/Sgt Colburn B. Pool - Classification Specialist
Cpl Jack R. Price
Pfc Andrew P. Privette - Mech: Airplane/Engines P-32
Cpl Willard M. Purath

Q [jump menu]
Pfc Edward E. Queen

R [jump menu]
S/Sgt Jerome J. Ramsey
2nd Lt Robert V. Rayner
1st Lt Robert L. Resinger Jr. - Aviation Ord O
Pfc James C. Reynolds
Cpl Roy H. Reynolds Jr. - Airplane/Engine Mech
Cpl Sterling G. Rhodes
Cpl Steven A. Rich
Cpl William G. Richie
S/Sgt Irvin H. Rickert
S/Sgt George R. Riser - CFC Maint
S/Sgt Primo Rizoli - Airplane Elec Mech Specalist
Sgt Milton Roberts
Pfc Alvin E. Robinson - Airplane Elec Mech Specalist
Cpl James M. Robinson
S/Sgt Kenneth N. Roe - Crew Chief
1st Lt Raymond T. Rose - Mess, Supply Trans O
S/Sgt Irving B. Roth
Cpl Thodore R. Rudser
S/Sgt Arthur C. Rupert - Mechanic: Radio
Sgt Willie B. Rutledge
Sgt Raymond J. Ryan

S [jump menu]
T/Sgt Daniel Saccone - Crew Chief
M/Sgt Frank A. Salsbury - Line Chief
Sgt Aaron Sammett
Pvt Armando B. Sanchez
Cpl Robert T. Sanford
S/Sgt John G. Sapuder Crew Chief - P-32
Cpl Peter Sasic
Pfc Andrew J. Scafedi
Cpl Vincent P. Scannell - Mech: Airplane/Engines
Pfc Walter E. Schmidt
Sgt Kay L. Schoonover - Mechanic - P-32
Pfc Arthur W. Schwartz - Munitions Wrkr
Cpl John F. Scott
Sgt Walter B. Scott
Sgt Albert A. See - Cryptographer
Cpl Milton O. See
Sgt Robert A. Seese - CFC Maint
Sgt Earl C. Sellers
S/Sgt Joseph M. Sergi
Pfc Robert B. Sewall - Truck Driver, Light
1st Lt Lawrence A. Shafer Jr. - Communications O
Pfc Louis Shaheen
Cpl Harold L. Sherman
T/Sgt Eddie J. Sherwood - Crew Chief
Pvt William G. Shillingburg
Sgt Paul Shoer
Sgt Audre A. Short
Sgt Manuel B. Singh - Mechanic P-31R
Sgt Charles H. Smith
Cpl Craig H. Smith Jr. - CFC Maint
Pvt Franklin R. Smith - Radio Mech
S/Sgt Harry R. Smith - Admin NCO
S/Sgt John F. Smith
Sgt Joseph M. Smith - Crew Chief
Pfc Kenneth L. Smith
Sgt Lawrence A. Smith - Airplane Armorer
Capt Jacob M. Sobol
Sgt John T. Soodey - Truck Driver, Light
S/Sgt Benjamin F. South
Pfc Arthur F. Spencer - transferred
Pfc Albert O. St. Loius - Airplane & Eng Mech
Pfc Wilbur C. Stanley
Cpl Basson T. Sterritt
S/Sgt Edwin H. Stewart P-25 Crew Chief per J. Fair
Pfc Ross Stine Jr.
S/Sgt James S. D. Stovall - Mech: CFC Maint
Cpl Walter Stuart - CFC Maint
Pfc Phillip B. Suffel - Airplane Elec Mech Specialist
Capt Steven W Sulovsky - SQ Bombardier Offcr
Pfc Rocco A. Summa
Sgt Raymond D. Swarens

T [jump menu]
Cpl Fred Taksa
Pfc Claude V. Taylor - Mech: CFC Maint 
Pfc Troy B. Taylor
Cpl Jack E. Tharp
Pfc Bryan B. Thomas - Munitions Wrkr
Sgt Herman M. Thomas - Airplane Armorer
S/Sgt William Thomas - Airplane/Engine Mech
M/Sgt Kenneth Tiler
S/Sgt Robert Timbs
2nd Lt Jack Tishkoff - Radar Ob, RCM
Pfc Harvey J. Townsend - Munitions Wrkr
Pfc Guy W. Tucker

U [jump menu]
Sgt Samuel N. Unger
Pvt Paul J. Urzendowski

V [jump menu]
Capt Joseph H. Vaccaro - Engineering Officer
Cpl Jay J. Vogel
S/Sgt Charles S. Volkmar - Airplane & Engine Mech
S/Sgt Frederick W. Volzing - CFC Maint
T/Sgt Neville Von Stein - Communications

W [jump menu]
T/Sgt Lauren W. Wadleigh
Sgt George C. Wait - Communications
Cpl Stanley Walker - Airplane Armorer
Sgt Weldon A. Walker - Airplane Armorer
Pfc Russell P. Wall
Cpl Charles M. Walter Jr.
Pfc Paul R. Walters - Airplane/Engine Mech
Cpl David A. Ward
S/Sgt Martin H. Weilmuenster Mech:Airplane & Engines
Cpl Michael Weinstein
Sgt Raymond Weiser - Radio Mech
Cpl James H. Weiss
Pfc Francis P. Westbrook
T/Sgt Marty Wildermuth
Sgt Delbert C. Williams
Pfc Grover M. Williams
Cpl Willie R. Williams
Major Gordon R. Willis - Admin O - 11/30/44
Sgt Verl R. Wilmarth
Capt Harris R. Wilson - Medical
Cpl L. B. Wilson
Pfc Paul A. Wilson
M/Sgt James O Winn - Flight Chief
Sgt Edward F. Wojciechowski
Cpl James D. Wood - Airplane Pwr Plt Mech
Pfc John E. Woolley
Sgt Theron W. Worsham - Crew Chief P-22
M/Sgt Frank J. Wynne Jr. - Crew Chief

Y [jump menu]
Sgt Stanley J. Yoder
Cpl Robert D. Young
Ground Echelon Menu
60th Squadron Ground Echelon
62nd Squadron Ground Echelon
Recent Updates:
10 Oct 2011 - Corrected Spelling of Kenneth N. Roe; added MOS per son.
25 Mar 2005
- Added names from Roster of Officers dated 11/30/44; added names per 61st Armament/CFC Maint Section Photo

16 Feb 2005
- Added MOS per SO 136 1 July 1945
17 Jan 2005
Removed Aircrew Personnel

26 Dec 2004
Removed Combat Crew Personnel

06 Nov 2004
Added MOS; Removed Combat Crew Personnel

17 March 2004 - Added MOS per SO210 SHAAF 25 Sept 1944
17 February 2004
- Added MOS per Roster of Officers 10 Nov 1945
09 August 2003 -
Added MOS per SO 128 dtd 1 Jul 1944
06 August 2003 -
Added MOS per orders recieved
18 July 2003:
Added MOS per SO-70 11 Mar 1945
14 June 2003:
Added Crew assignment for T/Sgt John M. Jack
16 April 2003:
Added MOS for G. Aharonian
24 Feb 2003:
Added MOS info from C. Lieuwen
09 Dec 2002:
Added MOS from list found in mircofilm archives
14 April 2002:
Added names - per GO25 Brn Srv Star 61st BS 8/16/45
07 February 2002:
Changed rank of Harry L. Furlong Pvt to Cpl

08 February 2002:
Added names

06 December 2001:
Members of combat crew found and moved to their crew's section
Source: Various Military Orders; "History of the 39th Bomb Group"
Patriotic Web Site Award by VAHome Loans.net
This page was created on 14 April 2002/Updated 29 January, 2019
Copyright ©  2000 - 2025 - 39th.org|39thbombgroup.org