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2007 Reunion
Dinner and River Boat Tour
Business Meeting

The following photos are courtesy of Marvin Demanzuk, Radar, Crew 2, unless otherwise noted

Grp at Mexican Dinner-River Tour
39ers and families enjoying a dinner at one of the many mexican restaurants before our River Boat tour.

Lilas Harvey_grp

L to R: River, grandson of Bob Weiler, LG, (P-30), Jeff, grandosn of James Schwoegler, Radio Op, P-30, Mark Kovac (son of Albert Kovac, CFC, P-57) his wife, Karen, Lilas Harvey, widow of John Harvey, AC, P-57 and Bobbi Kovac, widow of Albert Kovac, CFC Gunner, P-57.

L to R: Barbara Karafinski, daughter of Ben Kaplin, P-56, TG; Richard and Kerry Geopfert, Son in-law & daughter of Ed Kosmowski; Ed & Jean Kosmowski (Asst CC, P-08); Dorothy & Vic Durrance (TG, P-21) and Bernard D. Kaplin, son of Ben Kaplin, P-56, TG.

Joe Jacaruso (P-47, TG) and his wife Anne; Ted Kalenterides (P-49, FE); Ben Kaplin, TG, P-56; Clyde "CW" Moore, RG, P-56; Joel Markowitz, brother of Charles Markowitz, TG, P-46, MIA 29 May 1945) and his wife, Teri.


Crew 30

L to R: Alice Swanberg; William Costa (Nav) his wife, Lida, Bob Weiler (LG) and his wife, Louise; James Schwoegler, Radio Op and Art Swanburg, Radar

Left: Al Kyler (TG, P-17) and his wife Mary Lou;
Billie (in green) and Ed Coon (Radar, P-45)

Owen Whitfield (LG, P-45) and his wife, Beth
and Norman Brug (Mech, P-31)

L to R: Jennifer Niemann, Daughter of Jesse Molina and her fiance, Roger Diaz; Hollis Logan, Radar, 1st Repl Crew 6 (Brinck Crew); Rowland Ball (Nav, P-3) and his wife Nan; Yolah Molina, wife of Jesse Molina; Daryl Webster, long time friend the Molinas and Jesse Molina, TG, 2nd Repl Crew 6, (Tapp Crew).

Mary Rudolph & Liz Van Kampen, daughter's of James Schwoegler, (Radio Op P-30); Marvin Demanzuk, (Radar, P-2) and his daughter Donna Wilems.

Peter (son of Bob Weiler, LG, P-30), River, Lauren and Cammie Weiler


If anyone has photos from the 2007 Reunion they would like share please contact
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This page was created 28 August 2007
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