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1994 Reunion
Colorado Springs, Colorado

Schedule of Events 1994

Thursday, August 18

  • 5-7 PM Reception at Le Baron Hotel (Reunion HQ)

Friday, August 19

  • Plaque Dedication at Air Force Cemetery 10:45a
  • Air Force Academy Tour 10:45a
  • Lunch at NCO Club 12:30p - 1:30p
  • Drive thru "Garden of Gods"
  • Flying W Ranch - Dinner and Show

Saturday August 20

  • Business Meeting - 10:30a
  • Buffet Dinner with music by DJ - 6:00p - 11:00p

Veterans of the 39th and their families
Photo courtesy of Joseph Callaghan, Nav, P-10
Click photo to enlarge section

1994 Reunion Attendees

Charles Baldridge (P-10, B), Gene (P-02, RG) and Mirian Bockman, Max (P-34, P) and Virginia Buettgenbach, Joe (P-10, Nav) and Beulah Callaghan, Carmine Camperlino (P-08, CFC), Robert (P-03, CFC) and Betty Clark, William (P-30, Nav) and Lida Costa, Fred (P-01R2) and Bernice Dunn, Asa Edwards (P-08, B), Sheldon (P-51, Nav) and Dorothy Elliott, Russell (P-03, LG) and Dolores Forbes, Marion "Bud" (P-48, TG) and Irene Foster, Louis (P-11R, CC) and Lillian Fryzlewicz, Carl H. Gabriel (P-47, B), Ralph (P-30, CFC) and Jayne Gervais; John (P-57, AC) and Lilas Harvey, Donald (P-16, P) and Lorna Hetherington, Joe (P-47, TG) and Anne Jacaruso, Ray (P-47, LG) and Elenor Jacobs, Elmer (P-10, Radar), Aileen and Charles (son) Jones, Ted (P-49, FE) and Helen Kalenterides, Donald (61st BS Clerk) and Garnett Keena, Rex Knaak (61st BS), Ed (P-08, Asst CC) and Jean Kosmowski, Mark and Roberta Kovac (Son and Widow of P-56, CFC), Harold (P-33, Radio Op) and Eleanor Krumnow. Leo (P-08, AC) and Eoline Lewis, Hollis (P-06R1, Radar) and Maxine Logan, Thomas Mayfield (P-43, TG, Charles (P-01, CC) and Dorothy Orf, Anthony Quesada (P-27, Radar), James (P-51, CFC) and Edith Robertson, David (P-10, Radio) and Marian Schulman, Joseph Semanek (P-23, AC), Alfred (P-49, Radio Op) and Esther Sepkowsi , Kenneth (60th BS) and Elizabeth Setzer, David (P-51, Radar) and Vivian Shaffalo, David Smith (P-31R, TG), Robert (P-31R, RG) and Constance Stott, Lloyd (P-44, Radio Op) and Faye Volkmar, Thomas (P-51, AC) and Helen Wacht, Robert (P-30, LG) and Louise Weiler, Ralph (P-47, P) and Patricia Weston, Owen Whitfield, (P-45, LG) Frank (P-37, LG) and Mary Wrubelvski, James (P-30, RG) and Betty Wyckoff and Morris (P-34, FE) and Jewell Yancey.

I hope to be able to add the names in order of their position in the above group photo, you help is requested in identifying individuals. Please contact

Located on the grounds of the
United States Air Force Academy

inscription reads:

"Dedicated to the brave men of the 39th Bomb Group whose heroic efforts substantially contributed to the victory over the Japanese Empire and to honor our comrades who gave their lives in the defense of freedom."

Unveiling the 39th BG Plaque is Robert Weiler
1st Vice-president of the 39th Bomb Group (VH)

This will give you an idea of overall
number of organizations that are honored here

L to R: Air Force Colonel; Robert Weiler (P-30);
David Smith, (P-31); Hollis Logan, Col Ret (P-06)

General Curtis E. LeMay is buried
at the USAFA Cemetery

If anyone has photos from the 1994 Reunion they would like share email
Patriotic Web Site Award by VAHome
This page was updated 21 August, 2005
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