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61st BS Armament & Central Fire Control (CFC) Maintenace Crews
(Click image to enlarge that area of photo)
Photo courtesy of Gerald Pflugh, son of Sgt Theodore Pflugh, CFC Maint, Mechanic

The 61st BS Armament Section was reponsible for the proper function of all guns, bomb racks and associated equipment on the B-29s. They would locate malfunctions of the armament and make the necessary corrections and repairs. The Armorers were also assigned the job of loading the type of bombs required for a particular type of mission.

The 61st BS CFC Maintenance Mechanics were responsible for the repair and maintenace of the Central Fire Control System aboard the B-29s for our group.

The last names (& some first inital and last name) of the men pictured accompanied this photo; rank, first name and middle inital were found 39th BG database complied from various documents and orders of the unit. * denotes additional information is needed as multiple entries for this last name are present.

Anyone with additional information about this section, please email: Updates@39th.org

Ground Section Main Page
Source: Jerry Pflugh, Son of Theodore Pflugh; 39th BG database
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This page was created on 02 September 2005
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