39th Bomb Group (VH)

[Search Tip: Use " " for better search results ex. "John Q. Doe"; "City of ..."]
61st Squadron
Engineering Section

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Photo courtesy of Norman Brug, P-31 mechanic
Click on photo to enlarge

Engineering Section
L to R
Row #3 # 1, Cpl Harry Easters, Jr., Airplane & Engine Mechanic


15 November 2010:
Thanks to Mary Ann Easters Daniell for identifying her father, Cpl Easters.

In the background is P-27's B-29 # 44-69791 "City of Charleston" aka "Little George, Jr." which departed the from Salina KS on 3/29/45 for Guam; Returned to the US on 11/03/45 sent to Robbins AFB - information states that this aircraft was later converted to a weather recon plane.

The city of name was after the hometown of Thomas A. Cronin, Navigator of Crew 27 and the nickname "Little George, Jr." was named after the Airplane Commander's son George.

If anyone can help ID additional personnel pictured or what crews these men were assigned, please email

Ground Echelon Section
61st Squadron Crew Index
Source:Norman Brug, Patrick Cronin, Harry Hink, Mary Ann Easters Danells