39th Bomb Group (VH)

[Search Tip: Use " " for better search results ex. "John Q. Doe"; "City of ..."]
61st Squadron
Engineering Section

Photo courtesy of Herman Hagen, P-26 ground and
M/Sgt Jay Ivey, 61st Sqd. Flight Chief

Engineering Section
L to R
Kneeling M/Sgt Kenneth Tiler
Row #2 #1, T/Sgt John Sapuder, P-32 Crew Chief; #6 M/Sgt Joseph M. Clementi, Crew Chief; #9, M/Sgt Robert W. McKenzie, P-34 Crew Chief
Row #3 # 1, Herman Hagen, (wearing sunglasses),P-26 mechanic;
#3, T/Sgt James F. Finlay, P-29 Crew Chief; #6 Sgt. Allen D. Neidhardt P-31 mechanic

Email Contact

In the background is B-29 # 44-69769 "City of Albuquerque" aka "Piledriver" (P-32)

It is believed that some of these men are a combination of P-26 & P-32 ground crew in addition to those listed.


21 January 2002:
Thanks to George Hagen for the ID of Sgt Allen D. Neidhardt; Allen and Herman (George's brother) recently made phone contact with each other and shared some memories of their times together.

9 May 2001: L. Jay Ivey also sent the above photo with the additional names to list with Herman Hagen's. If anyone can help ID additional personnel pictured or what crews these men were assigned, please email

Ground Echelon Section
61st Squadron Crew Index
Source: Jay Ivey, George & Herman Hagen