39th Bomb Group (VH)
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61st Squadron
Engineering Section

Engineering Section
L to R
Kneeling M/Sgt James O. Wynne, Flight Chief
Row #1 #1 Kay Schoonover;#2 S/SGt John E. Downey*, mechanic P-32; #3 T/Sgt Marty Wildermuth; #4 M/Sgt Connie Davis, Crew Chief, P-30; #5 M/Sgt Dave Heckart, Crew Chief, P-21; #6 T/Sgt John M. Jack, Crew Chief P-28; #7 S/Sgt John J. Janosik.

The above picture was sent to me by M/Sgt Lonnie Jay Ivey. He also supplied the names and positions of these men. *Only last names were known, Rank and First Names were taken a 61st Roster provided by Ben Hill, RG, P-22.

In the background is B-29 # 42-65364 "City of Roswell" aka "Skyscraper" (P-30)

27 February, 2002: Identified M/Sgt David Heckart as Crew Chief of P-21, per article written by Vic Durrance, TG and 39th BGA Historian.

If anyone can help ID additional personnel pictured or what crews the chief's were assigned, please email

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