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2002 Reunion
Saturday Evening Banquet

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Roland Ball, Nav, P-03
Bernie Kaplin, TG, P-56

Part of the evening's entertainment was the granddaughter of
Donald Keena, Kelley, singing God Bless America to our veterans

Dr. Victor Durrance,TG, P-21 works
his way to microphone to share some history with the group

Bill Costa, Nav, P-30
w/ his wife Lida
Jim Wyckoff, Assoc Pres & RG, P-30
w/ his wife Betty (Assoc Chaplain) and their granddaughter Jeanette

Jim Schwogler, RO, P-30 (front right) behind Jim is grandson Jim Rudolph, next to him is his mom, and Jim's daughter, Mary, and next to her is another of Schwoegler's daughters Liz Van Kampen and sitting left front is Jim Wyckoff
Jim (L) with his dad Don Montague enjoy a father - son getaway while learning more their of 39th BG History. Don's father Lawrence was TG on P-01R2.

Bob Weiler Assoc 1st VP & LG, P-30 w/ his wife Louise (Assoc Sect) and son Peter, daughter in-law Mya and grandson, River William Robert
Arthur Swanberg, Radar, P-30
w/ his wife Alice

Hugh G. Roberts, CFC Gunner, P-41
Col. Hollis Logan, Assoc 2nd VP & Radar, P-6R and Vincent Mirigliano, 62nd SQ

If any has photos from the 2002 Reunion they would like share email
Patriotic Web Site Award by VAHome
This page was created 17 November 2002
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