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Popcorn, Napalm and the Weather
by Marvin Demanzuk, Radar Observer, P2

Image at left shows the aircraft at Position 3 on map, about to enter the narrows between the upper and lower bays. Image at right shows aircraft at Position 4 clearing the narrows and entering the upper bay.

At Position 5 left, AC is at center of upper bay. At Position 6 right, scope is at zoom format and range circle has been activated.

Aircraft is at Position 7. Aircraft is headed to target on tracking lubber line at right. It appears there was a fairly strong wind from the northwest on this run.

At Position 8 format is at extreme zoom and sector scan to keep the aiming point constantly in view. Radar Officer and Bombardier have interacted to affect BOMBS AWAY at Position 9.
This page was created on 20 July 2003
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