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Popcorn, Napalm and the Weather
by Marvin Demanzuk, Radar Observer, P2

Occupation Forces Photo

Ginza District of South Tokyo, within the target area of on the May 25/26, 1945 strike

20th Air Force Album
Damage assessment of incendiary raids conducted between 9 March 45 and 26 May 45. Durning four weeks of this period the entire 20th AF was diverted to bombing Kamikaze airfields on Kyushu in support of the Okinawa invaasion. The raids on Japanese cities resumed 11 May 45 and on 26 May45 Tokyo was written off as target.  Only two daylight raids were made after the ABomb was dropped 6 Aug45.

20th AF Album
Tokyo 28 August 1945

This page was created on 20 July 2003
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