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The following men were part of the 314th BW. A dedicated organization for 314th BW personnel does not exist as such we have dedicated space to honor these men who served in WWII.

If you or your family's veteran served with the 314th BW, please contact updates@39th.org so that may we list you or your family's veteran here. In addition please consider submitting a profile or dedication page to honor their service.

All to often a son or daughter of a WWII veteran will contact us in search of what their family's veteran did in WWII because they (the veteran - chose not to talk about what they did in the war) - Its better to have something in your own words then associate what your duties and what you did by what another comrade may have shared.
Revised: 12 December, 2012
A [jump menu]
Cpl Edward P. Albrecht - A-2 Intell Sec

B [jump menu]
Cpl Arlie P. Baker Jr. - Personnel Affairs Consultant
Sgt John O. Balvano - Aerial Engineer
Pfc Rudolph M. Bauer Jr., Clerk
Sgt Louis A. Besley - CFC Gunner
Lt Col Harry W. Besse - A2 Intell Officer
Sgt Michael G. Bessemer - Airplane Elec Mech Spec
1st Lt Loyal D. Bourdette MOS: 0911
M/Sgt Jay C. Buffinga - Chief Intell NCO (A-2 Intell Sec)

C [jump menu]
Sgt Alec H. Cameron - Intell NCO
Capt James F. Clark, Jr.- A2 Intell Officer
Pfc Joseph S. Czarnecki Mech: Airplane and Engine

D [jump menu]
Pfc Daniel R. Depaldo - Clerk Typist
1st Lt Parmelee Dovey - A2 Intell Officer
1st Lt Charles B. Duncan Communications Officer

E [jump menu]
Sgt Martin N. Ellersiek - Intell NCO
Capt John A. Emmert MOS: 7314
Capt Clemens H. Enking - Aerial Photo Interpeter

F [jump menu]
S/Sgt Donald P. Farnham - Intell NCO
E. Dale Fisk - Operations

G [jump menu]
Pfc Clifford D. Gerlach
M/Sgt Richard W. Goetzke - Crew Chief
Gold (1st Sgt)

H [jump menu]
Sgt Kenneth L. Halcom - Armorer Gunner
Capt Delton S. Halcombe
Pfc Charles E. Hamilton. Jr. - Clerk, General A-2 Intell
Capt James C. Hart MOS:2162
Capt Joseph T. Hartman - A2 Intell Officer
Capt Warren R. Healy
Pfc Owen G. Heeke Mech: Airplane and Engine
Cpl Russell D. Hess - Stenographer
Major John J. Hillsley, Jr. - MOS: 4512
Pfc Mervin E. Hogan - Stenographer

I [jump menu]
Charles Ice, Reader, WV - Motor Pool
Cpl Orlia W. Ingram Jr. - A-2 Intell Sec

J [jump menu]
Pfc Arlis P. Johnson - Clerk General (A-2 Intell Sec)
Pfc George W. Just - Clerk-Typist A-3 Ops

K [jump menu]
William P. Kees - A-2 Intell Sec

L [jump menu]
Pfc John H. Largen - Radio Op/Mech
Maj Jack A. Lighthill MOS: 3301 - Medical Corps

M [jump menu]
Capt Theodore J. McAdam
1st Lt Robert T. McBeth - Postal Officer
S/Sgt William W. McDowel - Mech: Airplane & Engine
Capt Jud L. Miller - A2 Intell Officer
Cpl Leo F. Miller - Mech: Airplane and Engine
John Harold Moots, Jr. - MP
Col Dolf E. Muehleisen - MOS: 2161
Capt Patrick H. Murphy - A2 Intell Officer

N [jump menu]
Major Robert Nathans - A-2 Intell Officer
Sgt Malcolm P. Nodine - Mech: Airplane & Engine
Capt John V. Norton

O [jump menu]

P [jump menu]
S/Sgt Donald A. Patenaude - Admin NCO
1st Lt Maurice J. Picheloup - FE assigned to 39th BG
Capt John T. Plummer
Cpl Glenn A. Porter - Aerial Engineer
Maj William A. Pumplin Acft Engineering Offcr

R [jump menu]
Charles Ice, Reader, WV
Sgt Victor M. Regula - Mech: Airplane and Engine
Capt James C. Reilly - A2 Intell Officer
Cpl Harold W. Rettig - Stenographer
T/Sgt Walton M. Richison - (Sergeant Maj) Admin NCO
Pfc Joseph L. Risse - Cook
Cpl Paul J. Rueland - Draftsman (A-2 Intell Sec)

S [jump menu]
1st Lt Richard H. Saleeby - Radar Ob trnsfd to 19th BG
Charles Schoch
Capt Harry B. Shaefer - Statisical Control O
Col Charles P. Sheffield MOS: 4010
Capt Robert W. Shessman - A-2 Intell Officer
Thoya P. Soil
Capt Reed E. Surder Armament & Chem O
Sgt Andrew S. Svinkunas - Mech: Airplane & Engine
Sgt John A. Swistak Mech: Prop

T [jump menu]
Cpl Paul H. Thrower - Mech: Airplane and Engine

U [jump menu]

V [jump menu]

W [jump menu]
Capt John C. Watson - A2 Intell Officer
Lt Col Curtis E. Wood MOS:2162

X [jump menu]

Y[jump menu]

Z [jump menu]

12 Dec 2012 - revised entry for Lighthill
03 Feb 2008 - added Moots name to roster per photo from son
27 Feb 2006 - added names of A-2 Officers - Buffinga Photo
26 Feb 2006 - added: 10 names/Updated 3 per A-2 Intell EM Roster from J.M. Buffinga - Roster date unkn at this time.
04 Dec 2005 - Added 3 names per GO-29 AM dated 8/11/45; and 1 name per SO-99 dated 05/09/45.

05 Sept 2005 - Added Last names of those pictured in 314th photos
21 Jun 2005 - MOS from SO 138, 314th BW dated 6/20/45
; SO 149, 314th BW dated 7/01/45
; SO 159, 314th BW dated 07/12/45
14 May 2005 - MOS from SO 85, 314th BW dated 4/25/45
14 May 2005 - MOS from SO 282, 314th BW HQ dated 11/12/45

Source: Various Orders
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This page was created on 14 May 2005/Updated: 12 December, 2012
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