39th Bomb Group (VH) usaflag.gif


Service Awards

wwiivic.gif [The Victory Medal, World War II]

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Melvin L. Hicks
Navy Seabees

Melvin L. Hicks served in the Naval Seabees. He found his way to the 39th Bomb Group Association as a result of Crew 33's nick naming their B-29 - "Fifity-Second Seabees" and making contact with our association. With his wife Jenette, they attended many of our annual reunions, bonding with our veterans and the commradery they all shared from their varied service during WWII. There we include Melvin Hicks on our web site as he was a valued member of our assication and a place where a bit about the man the veertans of the group called commrad. After all .. Seabees where on the Army Air Fields building runways and building to enable the B-29ers to land on their respective islands.

Melvin was born on May 29, 1926 in Winona, MN to Adolph and Cecelia (Blachfelner) Hicks. The family spent 2 years in Winona, then moved to Delhi, Ontario, for 14 years where they farmed tobacco. They returned to Winona, where Melvin graduated from high school and enlisted in the United States Navy-Seabees in 1944. He was discharged in June of 1946 and returned to Winona where he attended Winona State Teacher's College.

On May 13, 1950 Melvin married Jeanette Safranek in Winona. Together they moved to Rochester in 1955 to raise their family. He retired from Waters Instruments in Rochester. Together they had 3 children and 2 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.

Melvin loved to travel. He was fascinated with airplanes and anything to do with aviation. He visited the Experimental Aircraft Association in Oshkosh, WI 16 times. Together, Melvin and Jeanette traveled to Australia, New Zealand, and all across Europe. They also went on camping trips with the whole family across the Western United States and Canada. Most of all, Melvin enjoyed spending time with family and friends and sharing his stories with anyone who would listen.

Fair Winds and Following Seas Melvin L. Hicks 16 May 2024

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61st Squadron Crew Index
Source: Excerpts from the obituary of Melvin L. Hicks, Ranfranz and Vine Funeral Home