Missing Air Crew Report for the loss of Capt Reece KIllpack
and 7 members of his crew is 14537. The MACR
consists of a cover sheet and 2 pages which is the actual MACR.
The accompanying pages are an Air Sea Resuce report dated 23
June 1945 from 314th Bomb Wing Headquaters. This Air Sea Resuce
Rreport states the various facts and Narrative Report covering
cause of bailout, radio communications, preparing for Bailout,
bailing out, survival, rescue, suggestions & criticisms
by survivors and comment and Recommendations by Investigating
report has been been converted into PDF format. A program like
Adobe's Acrobat Reader is needed to view and print the document.
If you need a copy of this program it can be downloaded for
free by clicking 
size of the report in PDF is 1.69 mb.
you already have a PDF viewer installed on your system click
here to view MACR
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