Men of Armament and CFC Maintenance Sections
61st Bomb Squadron
Photo Courtesy of Gerald Pflugh, son of Sgt Theodore J. Pflugh, Mech CFC Maint Section

L to R:
Front Row Kneeling: M/Sgt Thurman Gray - Armorer

2nd Row Standing:
Cpl Edward Grill, Armorer; Cpl Victor F. Hollister, CFC Maint; Palmer*, CFC Maint; Sgt Charles R. Riser, CFC Maint.

3rd Row Standing:
Cpl Stanley Walker, Armorer; Pfc Claude V. Taylor, CFC Maint; S/Sgt Thomas W. Aldrich, CFC Main
4th Row Standing:
S/Sgt Frederick W. Volzing, CFC Maint; Sgt Robert A. Seese, CFC Maint; Cpl Craig H. Smith, Jr., CFC Maint.
Back Row Standing:
Sgt Earl E. Baldwin, CFC Maint; Sgt Lawrence A. Smith, Amorer; S/Sgt Edward E. Mark, Armorer.
*mulitple entries for this last name in the 39th BG database - rank, first name and middle inital unknown. If you can provide additional information please email:

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