to R: Earl Diven and Burly Brellenthin - working
on the Officer's Club Early August 1945 |
Birdell "Burly' Brellenthin flew one mission, 17
hours over Japan on a P.O.W. Supply drop on 30 August
1945. Crews started breaking up shortly after 2nd Sept
as long time people were sent home. Groups were closed
He transferred from the 39th to the 29th to the 19th
BG. Final transfer was to the 501st BG. 315th BW on
Northwest Field. I flew various missions for over a
year ie training, rescue, airlift and one Sunset flight
to Hawaii.
Brellenthin stayed in the Reserves. He was recalled
as 1st Lieutenant in June of 1952 and served 18 months.
He was assigned after refresher training to a combat
crew slated for Korea, however, he was removed as sole
male survivor in family and finished as a Radar Instructor
for the 44th Bomb Wing, St. Charles, LA.
retired from my auto dealership "Chevy Olds"
after 40 years. I now do volunteer works on museum
projects, spring and fall field works for a farmer
friend of mine and travel in my motorhome.
Burly and his wife Donna have been married for 58
years in June, they had 2 children, a son, Jack who
is married with 3 children and lives in Chattanooga,
TN. Jack works for TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority)
and a daughter Wendy who is married with 2 sons, She
is registured nurse, living in Eau Claire WI.
is President of Lake Geneva Untility Commission.
He is rated World Class as a iceboat racer, currently
the oldest active racer - www.iceboat.org
daughter, Wendy shares .. "For being almost 80
- next July - Dad is incredibly active, healthy and
in good shape. He and my uncle (a youngster at 76!)
canoe in the Boundary Waters of Minnesota every fall,
portaging, carrying canoes, supplies etc. Dad's biggest
loves would be his farming activities and ice boating!"