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Jim Reynolds
Spaulding's grandson
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of Distinguished Flying Cross
Captain Robert L. Spaulding
" Lord's Prayer" Airplane
23 August 1945
L Spaulding - 1945
extraordinary achievement while aerial flight, 26 June 1945, from a base
in the Marianas Islands. Then First Lieutenant, Spaulding was Airplane
Commander of a B-29 aircraft in a formation strike against the Nippon
Vehicle Company within the Nagoya Arsenal Complex at Nagoya, Japan. From
the initial point to target, the formation met with a heavy concentration
of fire from anti -aircraft batteries. Immediately following bombs away
Lt. Spaulding flying the number four position in the lead element discovered
that the formation leader's aircraft had been severely damaged by a series
of flak hits, and was in a critical condition. Sensing the danger, to
the crippling plane, Lt. Spaulding immediately maneuvered his own bomber
into position to give protection to the stricken B-29. When no distress
messages were heard from the damaged aircraft, Lt. Spaulding correctly
concluded that the leader's communications equipment had been hit by flak.
Consequently, he called the leader and informed him that he would guide
him to rescue facilities that were known to be approximately one hundred
miles out to sea from the target area. Lt. Spaulding, realized that the
time which the damaged B-29 could maintain flight was extremely limited,
and that it was imperative that the rescue unit be reached as quickly
as possible. His subsequent expert flying coupled with his extensive knowledge
of air-sea rescue procedures enabled him to lead the damaged airplane
directly to the rescue vessel. When the crew of the crippled ship had
reached the rescue vessel and had parachuted safely into the water, Lt.
Spaudling circled the location of each man in the water at an altitude
of three hundred feet and directed the rescue party to the men. By his
knowledge, skill and airmanship, Lt. Spaulding, veteran of repeated assaults
against the Japanese homeland, effectively carried out a task that reflects
great credit on himself and the Army Air Forces."
Search for Bob Spaulding and Its incredible Conclusion"
Eulogy - Robert Lee Spaulding Jr.
written by Robert Laird, TG.